Monday, August 30, 2010

:) The Memories

I am an Elementary Education major! :) I love the children! They are our future. I have known that I wanted to be a pre-school/ Kindergarten teacher since I was about seven. Because I am the oldest child, grandchild, and cousin on my mother's side of the family, I was able to force the younger children to play "school" with me. They were my students and I was always the teacher. We had lunch, recess, and even homework!! I was really into making it as real as possible even though we were all in public school anyway. This would be the one thing that I always looked forward to doing in my Grandma's basement for every holiday that wwe went to visit. I will never forget those days. They made me realize that this is truly what I want to do. I want to make a differene in what will be our future. Those cute little faces will one day run this world. It is our job as teachers to ensure that they learn to run it correctly. :)

How's THAT for not knowing what I was going to write? haha